5 reasons that make Android better than iPhone

Sanjidur Rahman
3 min readOct 3, 2022
Created by Sanjid on Canva

When looking to buy a new smartphone, we ultimately end up with two options; an Android smartphone or an iPhone. So here are some goodies that you get from an Android that will make you consider an Android over iPhone.

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There’s no doubt that android gives you more customization options than iPhones. you can change anything starting from various wallpaper options, theme changing, launcher customization, etc. changing your ringtone is a paid feature in iPhones, not in Android.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

More Options

When it comes to Android, there any many kinds of options for you to choose from, there is an Android for everyone. High-end expensive Android to budget-friendly Android. You can choose based on your needs, you have options for everything like foldable Androids, clamshell Androids, the camera focused Androids, battery beast Androids, and many more!

Photo by Nils Huenerfuerst on Unsplash

Storage Expansion

Everyone is familiar with SD cards. Though it might be getting less and less used by many phone companies, some Android smartphones still have the option of using SD cards, letting you expand the storage of your device to your heart’s content. While iPhones only offer specific storage models, making you pay more for more storage, you can just buy an Android and use SD cards for more storage.

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More Apps

Android has more apps than the app store has. It’s because googles play store is more flexible towards the developers. As of now, the play store has more than 2.65 million apps, the app store has 1.8 million apps.

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More Freedom

Android gives us more freedom. You don’t have to use iTunes on Android, you can transfer your files and songs very easily and hassle-free. iTunes is so buggy and frustrating to use that even apple has published a tutorial on how to uninstall iTunes from your device.

So, these are some of the many reasons or benefits of Android that make Android better than the iPhone. Which one of these points do you think is a good deal for you?

